Who Is Live-in Care For?
Our clients live across the UK and beyond and share one goal, to remain living in their own homes. To do so they engage us in a number of ways.
Occasional or regular respite care at home
Support to convalesce following a hospital admission
A way to take a much-loved relative on holiday
Support to live at university/go to work
A solution to complex care needs (even if more than one care worker is needed)
A long-term care solution right through to end of life.
We view our clients and their families as part of the Access Care community, and we work both diligently and compassionately to ensure that the needs of our clients come first.
Our clients engage us for many different reasons;
they may be Frail and elderly or
Young adults living with varying conditions including but not limited to:
Multiple Sclerosis
Heart Disease
Spinal Injury
Spina Bifida
Cerebral Palsy
Brain/Spinal Injury
Motor Neurone and Huntington’s.
How We Help
Some of our clients have lower dependency care needs and are simply looking for someone to be there when they wake. To bring them a cup of tea in bed to help them start the day. Someone to:
Ensure they look their best, helping with dressing, makeup, and personal care, making sure clothes remain clean and tidy and helping to dress appropriately for the weather. It is important to feel and look great when continuing with favourite community connections and seeing family and friends.
Help with continence management and care of any pressure areas.
Help plan meals, food shop and prepare wholesome, nutritious home-cooked meals to be enjoyed together, whilst monitoring diet and nutrition if necessary.
Remind them to take their medication through the day and to be available to run errands such as picking up prescriptions, dry-cleaning, or other daily essentials.
Keep on top of the home and support to potter in the garden if so desired, to run the hoover round and change the bed linen regularly, to help care for a much-loved pet and prepare the home for entertaining family and friends.
Make and accompany to appointments – Doctor, Dentist, Hairdresser, Chiropodist, Physiotherapist etc.
Be a companion and a friend to converse with, laugh with, to attend family celebrations with, so there is no need to miss weddings, christenings, and big birthdays.
Help settle down for the night feeling warm, safe, secure, and comfortable.
Complex Care
Other live-in clients have physical disabilities with more complex care needs and so require assistance with bed mobility and transfers, hoisting, assistance through the night, advanced personal care e.g. changing catheter bags, PEG feeding, stoma care, and administering medication and assisting with Inhaler/Oxygen/Nebuliser.
Live-in care workers work in conjunction with DRs/DNs/OTs/Care Managers/Physios etc. and will liaise with them regularly if required, to provide the very best care to their client.
Care Packages Unique To You
No two clients are the same and as such no two care packages are the same. People are unique and individual and therefore the care they receive must be the same. Our clients are anyone and everyone who wish to remain living in their own home but who require the support, in whatever form that may take, of a live-in care worker to do so.