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Top 5 Tips To Get Work With A Live-In Care Agency

Imagine you are applying for a job at a company. You build your CV, you complete a covering letter, and you research the company you want to work with. Applying to a live-in care agency to care for one of their clients is no different. I’m Jess, the Bookings Manager at Access Care Live-in Care Agency in Hampshire (in our company a ‘Booking’ is a ‘job’). I ‘book’ Live-in Carers into work every single day.

Elderly woman wearing a pink jumper chatting with a live-in carer in her kitchen

Here are my 5 top tips to help you secure a Live-in care job in the UK with a live-in care agency

1) Keep In Touch

Many agencies have lots of home carers registered with them. The availability of those carers is constantly changing. I know from my own experience, this means that the office staff in a care agency has their work cut out to keep in touch with so many carers to check their availability, offer work and just generally keep in contact.

So how can you help? By keeping in regular touch with them, updating them on your availability, letting them know about any updated experience levels (which they can then add to your Carer Worker CV) and following up on work you have come forward for. This way, you agency knows you are really committed and that you are serious about the work and it will keep you in the front of their minds(trust me I know)!

2) Sell Yourself!

When you apply for a Livein care position, it’s hugely valuable to you to share with your agency the main reasons you are interested in the position, and why you think you would be a great match. Reasons might be because you have a lot of experience with a condition, or that you have a shared hobby or interest with the client which will make that connection so much more meaningful. All this information will help an agency make a selection to present to their clients and gives them the tools to highlight your strengths and attributes.

3) Build A Reputation

Like any working relationship, both parties have certain expectations to make that

relationship work. The agency you chose to find work with, or work for will promise to do their best to find you work. In return, they expect you to be reliable, fully committed to bookings that you have agreed to, arrive promptly to those bookings and above all else, provide exceptional care to their clients. Don’t forget, reputation is built on your actions- maintain this level of professionalism and your agency will have a reputation they can SELL! This can work both ways!

4) Do Your Agency A Favour!

Apart from a reputation for being a consummate professional, the agency you work for, or are registered with, will also recognise loyalty and flexibility. The nature of our industry means agencies often get requests for care with little notice - these things happen after all. Referring to Tip No.1, your agency will be grateful for fast reactions and assistance in these situations, if you have said you are available… we will call on you!

Try and maintain the philosophy a job is still a job, it might not be your ‘perfect’ one, but you are helping someone stay in their home which is priceless.

5) Smile While You Dial

I spend a lot of time talking to many different live in Care Workers and one thing is clear- I will remember those that sound happy, friendly, and upbeat on the phone. While I would love to meet all our domiciliary carers face to face, this is not always possible, so we rely on phone calls to get to know you. Think about how you present yourself on the telephone. Do you welcome the call with a friendly 'Hello'? Do you offer a positive response to the discussion being had? Did you know people can HEAR if you are smiling on the phone, and it makes such a difference!

As ever, we are constantly in awe of the dedication and hard work our Living in Carers offer our clients and know there are hundreds of wonderful Livein Carers in the UK, and appreciate everything you do for people that need care.

Best wishes,


Bookings Manager


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