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Elderly Diet - Foods To Keep Healthy

Quinoa and salmon meal on a plate with vegetables and nuts

People are living longer and it's important to keep on top of your health with nutritious meals, exercise, and mental stimulation. Especially as you get older! By keeping a healthy diet you could be increasing your chances of living longer, being healthier in body and mind, and having a better quality of life.

We put together a list of some of the foods which will help you keep your body and mind healthy as you get older - bookmark this page as your shopping list!

Fruit and Vegetables

It goes without saying that fruit and vegetables are essential to keeping a healthy diet. When it comes to fruit and veg, try to eat the whole rainbow - the more colour and texture your in include, the better it is for you! Some amazing veggies to include are leafy greens like kale and spinach, red peppers, carrots, tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes. When it comes to fruits remember some contain high levels of naturally occurring sugar, however here are some you will want to eat daily: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, kiwis, grapefruit, watermelon.


Wholegrain foods are essential for getting your fibre, and fibre is important to keep your digestive system working, especially as you get older. They also provide B vitamins which are essential for keeping energy levels at a high, and help absorb other vitamins and minerals. Some wholegrains you might want to try are quinoa, barley, brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, bulgur wheat.


Calcium is important for healthy bones, and the best way to get your calcium is through dairy like milk, cheese, and yogurt. However if you are intolerant to dairy you can also try milk alternatives and fortified cereals.


Omega-3 is important for preventing brain and heart disease, which makes it an important element of your diet especially as you get older. You can get Omega-3 from oily fish such as salmon, flax seeds, seaweed, walnuts, and kidney beans. You can also get Omega-3 supplements from health shops and supermarkets.


Protein helps to keep your muscles healthy and strong, and you can get protein from white and red meat, tofu, legumes, nuts, beans, eggs, and fish. Remember to keep your food as lean as possible to avoid gaining weight - it's a good idea to balance your protein with meat 1/2 a week, 2 times fish, and the rest as healthy veggies packed with protein.

Maintaining a healthy diet is important for everyone, but it can be especially challenging for those who require home care services. A live-in carer can help clients enjoy nutritious meals, tailored to their dietary needs and preferences. A live in carer can plan meals, grocery shop, and even cook alongside their client, making every step of the process both fun and engaging. Domiciliary carers can also offer advice and encouragement on healthy eating habits, ensuring that their clients are motivated to make positive changes in the long term. Ultimately, choosing to eat healthily with a living in carer can make a world of difference, supporting individuals’ health and wellbeing.

We know as you get older it can be more difficult to do tasks such as shopping and cooking healthy meals - a Live-in Carer can help you with all of those, and much more! Call our friendly team on 01264 319 399 to talk to us about Live-in Care, or email

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