Dementia care in your own home can provide vital support and comfort in familiar surroundings for people living with dementia. Moving to a care home can be a traumatic experience for the person, and a stressful event for the whole family - which is why more people than ever are choosing live-in care as a care option for their relatives.
We find a carer that fits perfectly with their clients - our self-employed live-in carers are trained and vetted to the highest standards to care for people with dementia & Alzheimer's, as well as other conditions. As there are different types of dementia, we have live-in carergivers with the right experience to suit your personal situation and ensure your relative is safe in their familiar surroundings - our aim is to provide our clients with peace of mind for the whole family.
It's important to understand that for people living with dementia familiar surroundings of their home are their comfort. It's more than bricks and mortar - their home reminds people of cherished memories, holds their most valued possessions, and provides comfort for couples and owners and pets to stay together. Dementia live-in care enables people to keep to a familiar routine enjoying doing things they like with their relatives and loved ones - a live-in carer can also help look after pets like feeding them and taking them for walks! Having a live-in carer also allows the family to relax as they know their relative will be safe - livein care greatly reduces the risk of falls and injury at home.
Your live-in carer becomes a companion for relatives with dementia - they know sensory stimulation activities which can help reduce the symptoms of dementia, cook nutritious home-made meals, take your relatives to social outings like community events, church, and to see family. All of the above helps lead a more independent lifestyle in keeping with your relatives usual routine, which can help delay the onset of dementia.
If you are looking for dementia live-in care, we welcome you to get in touch with our live-in care specialists who are here to offer you a no obligation consultation on your personal situation. A care home for dementia is not your only solution - call our friendly team today on 01264 319399 or email hello@access-care.co.uk and we will be delighted to help you.