Live-in Care For Couples
The reason Live-in Care for couples is such a wonderful option is perhaps obvious; couples can stay together. We believe home is truly where the heart is and where people feel most at ease and happy. We arrange private Live-in Carers to care for and support couples in the comfort of their own home. Any age couples at that! From younger couples to elderly parent’s Live-in Care is a super solution for couples.
Live-in care for couples is a flexible solution and in most cases the couple will require a different ‘level’ of care per person. This is normal. Here’s an example of how care for a couple may work with one Live-in Carer:
Dr Jones requires assistance to wash and dress/undress and to use the bathroom. Mrs Jones would benefit from medication prompts, assistance to prepare the meals (or even sometimes popping her feet up and the Carer can prepare) & help to get in and out of her bath.
Dr & Mrs Jones would like a Carer to help them entertain their family on occasion, escort them to functions and keep on top of the day-to-day laundry and cleaning.
Here’s another example of how couples Live-in Care can work:
Mrs Allen has a ceiling track hoist and requires full assistance with her moving and handling. Mrs Allen also needs help with her diet and nutrition as well as continence care.
Mr Allen requires social and emotional support, companionship, and respite to help him care for his beloved wife at home.
Whatever your/your parents / child’s/ friends circumstances we are here to help arrange a Live-in Carer (sometime even two) to come and provide the support and care that is needed.
Should we choose a Care Home or arrange Live-in Care?
There are many amazing care/residential homes across the UK as there are many fabulous Live-in Care agencies working hard to help care for people as best we can. Honestly, the decision is entirely your preference. There are a few considerations which once thought through should lead you to a decision.
To the very best of our knowledge there are few care homes offering double bedrooms and the chance of this significantly decreases if one member of the couple has a diagnosis of dementia. A care home may be able to offer rooms but possibly on different levels or parts of the home and thus you may risk spending a significant of time during your day apart
It is worth considering if you mind re-locating at whichever stage in your life you are. For some couples this may be hugely beneficial and the community a care home may offer could be life-enhancing. For others, a move away from the familiarity of the neighbourhood and all it encompasses not so much.
Level of Care
Care homes offer a variety of Carer, working shift and attending to your needs daily. For some meeting new people regularly is stimulating. A Live-in Carer provides ‘continuity of care’ as he/she remains in situ for several weeks at a time. This is often beneficial for routines that need learning, techniques that need mastering and for familiarity, that is paramount.
Representing excellent value for money as far less expensive than two beds in a care home, one Live-in Carer can support both parents in the comfort of their own home. In a care home you’re paying for two beds, often two rooms. With Live-in Care the cost is just for one Live-in Carer who can often care for both people. Please see our Cost page for full details.
Retaining Privacy
We completely appreciate that the thought of having a Carer living in your home may be slightly daunting and even feel rather uncomfortable. We’d relish the opportunity to talk with you about this. You are not alone if you feel this way or even if you know your parents feel this way. It is completely understandable. Our job is to allay your fears and give you some encouragement. Our wonderful Live-in Carers who have experience caring for couples instinctively know and feel when it’s time for them to retreat to their quarters. They are also never offended when you politely ask them to give you a little space. They are happy to dine with you or leave you to eat together or a mixture of both. We know from experience that if we do our job correctly and match you to your perfect Carer you really don’t need to worry.
Listen to Jack & Catherine chat about their Live-in Care experience: